Презентация - День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day

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День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine
  • Уникальность: 91%
  • Слайдов: 12
  • Просмотров: 4961
  • Скачиваний: 2598
  • Размер: 1.41 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 1
14 February
St. Valentine

Слайд 2

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 2
Symbols of St. Valentine's Day
Valentine`s cards

Слайд 3

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 3
February priest love chocolate rose friend flower happy cupid valentine

[`væləntaɪn]   [frend] [`ʧɔklɪt] [pri:st] [`hæpɪ] [lʌv] [rəʊz] [`febrʊərɪ] [flaʊə]
Match the word and its transcription.

Слайд 4

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 4
St. Valentine’s Day is a romantic and beautiful holiday for old and young. It is celebrated (отмечается) on the 14th of February. People who believe (верят) in love and friendship (дружба), men and women, boys and girls send Valentine’s cards to each other. Valentine’s cards are small cards with warm and nice greetings (поздравления). Valentines have a shape of hearts (форма сердечек). Sometimes boys and girls draw hearts, arrows (стрелы), and roses on valentines. They write friendly and short poems on this day.
Read and translate the text

Слайд 5

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 5
There are a lot of stories and legends about the history of Valentine’s Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest (христианский священник). He lived in Rome many, many years ago. Valentine secretly married people (втайне женил молодых людей) who were in love. One night the soldiers (солдаты) caught him and put into prison (поместили в тюрьму). Many young people felt sorry (жалели) for Valentine and visited him in prison. One of them was the daughter of a prison guard (тюремный страж). The young girl was beautiful but she couldn’t see. Valentine did a miracle (чудо). He helped her to see things clearly (прозреть). They fell in love (влюбились).

Слайд 6

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 6
On the day of his execution (в день казни) Valentine wrote a letter to the girl and wrote down «From your Valentine». That was on February 14th, in 269 AD (до нашей эры).  Now St. Valentine’s Day is the day of sweet-hearts (влюбленные). People give sweets, flowers, valentines and presents to those whom they love. People buy valentines or make them by themselves (сами).

Слайд 7

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 7
1. It is celebrated ….. a) on the 14th of February b) on the 14th of March c) on the 14th of January 2. Valentine was a Christian….. a) writer b) prison guard c) priest 3. Valentine lived in …… a) England b) Rome c) Paris d) New York 4. Valentine secretly …… a) married people b) read and wrote interesting books c) gave presents d) did the washing up  5. One night the soldiers (солдаты) caught him and ….. a) put into prison b) took him for a walk c) let him go d) sang songs  
6. Valentine met …. a) an old woman b) a teacher c) a young girl d) a doctor 7. The guard’s daughter couldn’t …… a) sing b) dance c) walk d) see 8. The young people ….. a) fell in love b) watered the flowers c) did their homework d) laid the table 9. Now St. Valentine’s Day is the day of ….. a) flowers b) sweet-hearts c) soldiers d) teachers 10. People write ………..on this day. a) long letters b) merry stories c) short poems d) interesting books
Choose the right answer.

Слайд 8

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 8
1.Валентинки имеют форму сердечек.
2. Валентин был христианским священником.
3.Валентин втайне женил молодых людей.
4.Солдаты поймали Валентина и посадили в тюрьму.
5.Валентин влюбился в дочь тюремного стража.
7.Валентин написал своей возлюбленной письмо со словами «От твоего Валентина»
8.Люди дарят валентинки, конфеты, цветы друг другу в этот день.
6.Девушка была очень красивой, но не могла видеть.
D. Valentines have a shape of hearts.
H. Valentine was a Christian priest.
A.Valentine secretly married people.
B.Valentine fell in love with a prison guard`s daughter.
C.Valentine wrote a letter to his sweetheart with the words «From your Valentine».
E.The girl was beautiful but she couldn`t see.
F.Soldiers caught Valentine and put him into prison .
G.People give valentines, sweets, flowers to each other on this day.
Match English and Russian sentences.

Слайд 9

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 9
1. Roses are ……..     Violets are…….     Sugar is …….     And so are ….. (Red, sweet, blue, you )
There are lovely poems about St. Valentine’s Day. Fill in the gaps with the following words.
3. Boys are … And girls are … , I love … With all my … ! (heart, strong, you, smart)
2. Valentines, ………. Red, white and…….. I'll make a nice …… And send it to ……. (blue, valentines, you, one)

Слайд 10

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 10
1. Roses are red.     Violets are blue.     Sugar is sweet,     And so are you.

3. Boys are strong And girls are smart, I love you With all my heart !
2.Valentines, valentines. Red, white and blue , I'll make a nice one And send it to you.

Слайд 11

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 11

Слайд 12

День Святого Валентина - St. Valentine's Day, слайд 12
Happy Valentine`s Day !

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