Презентация - Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5

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Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5
  • Уникальность: 81%
  • Слайдов: 22
  • Просмотров: 916
  • Скачиваний: 79
  • Размер: 1.27 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 1
Predictions for the future
Spotlight 7 Module 5

Слайд 2

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 2
Before reading … … p. 46
be very different очень разные be so polluted такая загрязненная be able to быть способным exist существовать mini-submarines мини подводные лодки moon shuttle лунный челнок have enough money … достаточно … believe верить traffic jam дорожная пробка fuel топливо cause pollution быть причиной загрязнения

Слайд 3

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 3
Check your vocabulary, will you?
different life другая жизнь drive flying cars водить летающие машины not exist any more больше не существует live in glass domes жить в стеклянных куполах live in underwater city жить в городе под водой travel by moon shuttle путешеств. в челноке на луну travel in submarines путешеств. в подводных лодках have enough money … достаточно … robotic housemaid робот в домаш. хозяйстве traffic jams дорожные пробки use another fuel использовать др. топливо so polluted Earth такая загрязненная Земля cause pollution быть причиной загрязнения

Слайд 4

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 4
№ 1 Future life will be easier more interesting more difficult

Слайд 5

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 5
№ 2 Robotic housemaids will help people … take dogs for a walk clean the house, wash the dishes feed the pets, look after kids.

Слайд 6

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 6
№ 3 People will go on holiday around the Earth to the moon to other planets

Слайд 7

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 7

№ 4 Future cars will not use fuel and that’s why life will be more dangerous safer and better worse but safer better and more exciting

Слайд 8

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 8


Слайд 9

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 9
Future Simple Употребляется:
1. Predictions about the future usually with the verbs: think, believe, expect expressions: I’m sure, I’m afraid adverbs: perhaps, certainly, probably e.g. His parents think he will become an artist one day. He will probably go to work. I’m sure we’ll have a great time at Joan’s party tomorrow.

Слайд 10

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 10
2. for on-the-spot decisions (решения, принятые в момент речи) and promises (обещания) e.g. It’s hot in here. – I’ll open the window. I’ll help you with your homework. 3. for actions/ events/ situations which will definitely happen in the future and which we cannot control e.g. Jane will be two years old next month.

Слайд 11

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 11
4. for threats (угрозы), warnings (предупреждения) e.g. Stop or I’ll shoot! 5. for requests (просьбы - просим кого-то сделать что-нибудь для нас) e.g. Will you post these letters for me, please? 6. for hopes (надежды) e.g. I hope pollution level will drop soon

Слайд 12

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 12


Слайд 13

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 13
Time expressions
tomorrow the day after tomorrow next week/ month/ year/ … tonight soon in a week / two months …

Слайд 14

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 14
Future forms // Ways … about future
Future Tenses.Other Ways
Future Simple will + V спонтанное решение (on-spot-decision) обещания (promise), угрозы (threats), … предсказания (predictions), основанные на … I think / believe, I’m sure предсказания (predictions), основанные на … we see / know.be going to V планы, намерения, амбиции (собираться что-то сделать)
Present Continuous (am/is/are Ving) запланированное действие в будущем
Present Simple (V/Vs) расписание, программы в придаточных времени и условия вместо Future I’ll do it if I have time I’ll do it when I have time

Слайд 15

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 15


Слайд 16

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 16
Homework: Future Simple, p. 47 ex. 8 (your predictions for the future) 6-10 sentences

Слайд 17

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 17
People will have flying strange cars and they will be able to fly around the towns

Слайд 18

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 18
Schools in future will change. Classrooms with desks and blackboards will be different BUT nothing won’t replace teachers

Слайд 19

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 19
Check yourself, will you?
With the money I have, I ______ a computer. A) will buy B) buy 2. If you finish work early, _____ call me? A) do you call B) will you call 3. When the weather _____ cold, he’ll go out. A) is B) will be 4. If I study hard, I _____ fail the exam tomorrow. A) will B) won’t 5. I don’t think he ______ if I invite him. A) comes B) will come

Слайд 20

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 20
Match the words, will you?
digital e-book robotic underwater flying glass mobile virtual A) devices B) housemaids C) cars D) cities E) phones F) domes G) cameras H) pet

Слайд 21

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 21
Check yourself, will you?
digital cameras e-book devices robotic housemaids underwater cities flying cars glass domes mobile phones virtual pets
Assess yourself, please. 8 points = Excellent = “5” 7 points = Good = “4” 6-5 points = Satisfied = “3” < 5 = Unsatisfied = Learn more!!!

Слайд 22

Predictions for the future. Spotlight 7 module 5, слайд 22
Check your homework, will you?
Arguments in favour of
virtual / computerised pets.real pets
 don’t have to clean up after them.… … can show  affection
… … don’t need a vet.… … can protect  in trouble
… … don’t bark when hungry. Owners can feed …. easily by pressing buttons on the gadget.… … are expensive to keep because  have to buy food and other necessary things
… … don’t shed hair.it’s a perfect way to have a rest and forget about problems by playing with them
It is great if  are in allergic to animals.Having real … helps  to learn how to take care of other creatures
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