Презентация - At the Doctor (на английском языке)

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At the Doctor (на английском языке)
  • Уникальность: 83%
  • Слайдов: 12
  • Просмотров: 5686
  • Скачиваний: 2214
  • Размер: 1.24 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации

Слайд 1

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 1
At the Doctor

Слайд 2

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 2
Oh, my head! I have a headache, Oh, my tooth! I have a toothache, Oh, my stomach! I have a stomachache, Oh, my back! I have a backache, Oh, my ear! I have an earache, Oh, my eyes! I have sore eyes, Oh, my thumb! I have a sore thumb, Oh, my throat! I have a sore throat. Where is a doctor? I don’t know!

Слайд 3

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 3

Слайд 4

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 4
At the hospital

Слайд 5

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 5
A ward: isolation ward, private ward.

Слайд 6

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 6
Doctors, nurses, dentists.

Слайд 7

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 7
Types of medicines
herbal remedies

Слайд 8

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 8
Do a crossword: 1. … your head with a door. 2. … your finger with a knife. 3. … the tooth with a nut. 4. … my ankle when I run. 5. The highest part of a body, you think and eat with it. 6. … your leg when you fall from the bike. 7. A little part of your arm. 8. … your back. 9. … my wrist when I’ve played basketball.  

Слайд 9

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 9
To be healthy you should or shouldn’t… Put in two columns eat a light meal, eat too much ice cream, eat vegetables, eat fruits, wear warm clothes, walk in the rain, sunbathe a lot, smoke, drink alcohol, spend too much time in front of the TV, get enough sleep, get regular exercise.
You should: You shouldn’t:

Слайд 10

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 10
Doctor (D): Good morning. Patient (P): Hello, Doctor. D: Now then, how can I help you? P: Well doctor, I've got a headache. D: Do you have any other symptoms? A temperature, for example? P: Well yes, I have high temperature, actually. D: It looks to me as if you've got a cold. P: Oh, have I, doctor? D: Yes. Now I give you these pills. You should take two pills three times a day. P: Thank you, doctor, thank you.

Слайд 11

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 11
Do the dialogues:
A headache – a cold A stomachache – some stomach infection A toothache – caries An earache – the flu A sore throat – a bad cold

Слайд 12

At the Doctor (на английском языке), слайд 12

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