Презентация - Я волонтёр (английский язык)

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Я волонтёр (английский язык)
  • Уникальность: 82%
  • Слайдов: 14
  • Просмотров: 6208
  • Скачиваний: 2925
  • Размер: 1.84 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 1
The Project ,,I am a Volunteer”


Слайд 2

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 2
The purposes of the project 1. The formation of an active life position among young people and the desire to be engaged in volunteer work. 2. To form an understanding of the idea of ​​volunteering. 3. To help in choosing the direction of volunteer activity. 4. To develop social and communicative abilities of volunteers.
Explanatory note Volunteering is a new form of involving young people in social activity. Volunteers are people who act by their own will, by agreement, not by coercion. Voluntary organizations are free unions of people united by some common special interest. Their activities are connected, as a rule, with charity, mercy.

Слайд 3

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 3

Volunteering is a new form of involving young people in social activity. Volunteers are people who act by their own will, by agreement, not by coercion. Voluntary organizations are free unions of people united by some common special interest. Their activities are connected, as a rule, with charity, mercy.
Who Are Volunteers ?

Слайд 4

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 4

The aim of volunteering   The volunteer movement is developing quite rapidly nowadays. And one of the main reasons for this is voluntariness and freedom of choice. Being socially active means not only understanding your responsibility for your life and health, but also protecting and promoting your social and political position, helping others and supporting them in difficult situations. You cannot learn to be socially active without participating in the activity itself. .Volunteers need to inspire others with their idea and then learn that this activity is not just entertainment, but vital and responsible attitude and the desire to change this world for the better. In the process of activity, volunteers interact with different people, receive influence, information, knowledge, learn and develop personal qualities.

Слайд 5

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 5
The motives of volunteering   According to the results of the social survey, among the 45 respondents (from 16 to 25 years), the dominant motives were identified as the following- the desire to help people - 30%, to get a new social skill - 25%, to find people with the same ideas (by views, positions and principles) -15 %. Less significant motives were found: I was asked - 12%, to spend free time - 10%, quite for other reasons - 8%.

Слайд 6

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 6
The content of the problem   Living in the modern world, I am increasingly convinced that nowadays there are not many people left in the society who can help others unselfishly. I understand that I can`t help everyone, but I can find people in order to provide free assistance to those who need help. In my opinion, every person during his life should realize whether he wants to make the world a little kinder for those in need or just live his whole life only for himself and do not experience those emotions that a volunteer feels from the word "thank you"..

Слайд 7

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 7
The organization of volunteer activities of youth in the Russian Federation involves 7 000000 people. It builds their activities using methods and approaches of volunteerism aimed at raising the quality of life.

Слайд 8

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 8
Volunteer activities:   1) Spiritual and moral upbringing, educational activity. 2) Patriotic and civic education - patronage; improvement. 3) Health saving - propaganda of HLS.

Слайд 9

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 9
 Seven basic principles: VOLUNTARY: "We work around the clock, but we never take money INDEPENDENCE: "We are guided by needs, not kings; UNITY: "We have many ideas, but one ideal; UNIVERSALITY: "We respect nations, but we cross borders to help; HUMANITY: "We serve people, not systems; IMPARTIALITY: We care about the victims-guilty and innocent; NEUTRAL: We take initiatives, but we never take sides.
The basic principles of volunteer activity:

Слайд 10

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 10
Ryazan is the Capital of Volunteers
Volunteering in Ryazan is quite effective .There are 15 00 members of volunteer movement in the Ryazan Region.

Слайд 11

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 11
Ryazan student Kristina Zorina became the best volunteer in the nomination "Volunteers of Victory» and won–the Russian prize "Volunteers of Russia-2017". In November 2017 the student won the victory in the nomination «Social Activist of Russia. » Now Kristina heads the regional movement "Volunteers of Victory." She is the author of the project "Victory Drawings". Thanks to her the facades of houses in Ryazan should be transformed by May 9.

Слайд 12

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 12
Volunteer movement at school In Ryazan there are many young volunteers that are engaged in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle .Volunteering at school involves children of different ages. They can collect items or organize festive concerts for orphans, elderly people, give gifts to war veterans, and provide them help at home.

Слайд 13

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 13
Our school is a starting point of volunteering movement in the Soviet region. It involves 5o active members who take part in different projects. Our volunteers plant trees, collect paper, clean the yards and the streets, help veterans, organize different quests, take part in volunteer meetings and in response they get great moral satisfaction for their work .

Слайд 14

Я волонтёр (английский язык), слайд 14
Volunteering movement is widely spread nowadays. It acquires the features of a universal social phenomenon. Conscious and unselfish work for the benefit of others is of great importance. So, get ready to any activity that is useful and you will make the life of people better.
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