Презентация - Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg

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Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg
  • Уникальность: 95%
  • Слайдов: 12
  • Просмотров: 2163
  • Скачиваний: 1067
  • Размер: 2.96 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 1
Walking aroud the city
Saint Petersburg

Слайд 2

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 2

Saint Petersburg

Слайд 3

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 3

one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the second most important city in Russia

Слайд 4

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 4

The population 5 398 064 people

Слайд 5

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 5
St. Petersburg is a major transport hub. The city has developed communication with other regions of the country and abroad

Слайд 6

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 6
Winters are long and summers are short and humid. The warmest month of the year is July, and the coolest is January.

Слайд 7

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 7
Among the faithful, the vast majority are Orthodox (57%), the second largest are Muslims, followed by Protestants and Catholics

Слайд 8

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 8

The winter Palace

Слайд 9

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 9

Vasilievsky Island

Слайд 10

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 10

The Bronze Horseman

Слайд 11

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 11

Kazan Cathedral

Слайд 12

Walking aroud the city. Saint petersburg, слайд 12

Engineering lock

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