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Слайд 1
Новоуренгойский филиал Профессионального образовательного учреждения «Уральский региональный колледж»
Mother’s Day
Выполнила: студентка II курса группы ПД-278
Пьянкова Ольга Павловна
Преподаватель: Максютова З.Г.
г. Новый Уренгой
Слайд 2
Mother's Day is one of those holidays that are afraid to accidentally miss in the bustle of everyday worries. This holiday is dedicated to the most beloved and most important woman.
Слайд 3
Mother's Day in the history and culture of different countries
The veneration of mothers many centuries ago existed in ancient Greece. The inhabitants of this fabulous country worshiped one of the spring days of Gaia - the mother of all gods.
In England, back in the 17th century, it was customary to celebrate Mom's Resurrection, proclaimed by King Henry III. In honor of the maternal holiday, employers provided everyone with a legal day off.
In America, there is a story of a touching holiday. Its founder is Julia Ward Howe, who published the Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870.
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Mother's Day in modern Russia
The initiative to create a holiday in the Russian Federation came from the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth. Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family. On this day celebratory concerts, competitions, festivals, exhibitions dedicated to mothers are held everywhere.
Слайд 5
How and when is Mother's Day celebrated in various countries
Unfortunately, the UN has not yet established International Mother's Day, so the celebration of the most beloved women falls on different calendar dates in different countries. In many countries, folk traditions and customs of Mother's Day celebrations are preserved. According to opinion polls, Mother's Day is among the five most beloved and important holidays in many countries.