Презентация - The job of dreams

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The job of dreams
  • Уникальность: 85%
  • Слайдов: 24
  • Просмотров: 3042
  • Скачиваний: 1216
  • Размер: 1.14 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации

Слайд 1

The job of dreams, слайд 1
The job of dreams

Слайд 2

The job of dreams, слайд 2
The medical profession
A doctor

Слайд 3

The job of dreams, слайд 3
A nurse

Слайд 4

The job of dreams, слайд 4
A Vet- animal doctor

Слайд 5

The job of dreams, слайд 5
A Surgeon

Слайд 6

The job of dreams, слайд 6
There are jobs where you work with your hands,and all the examples below are skilled jobs. .
Manual jobs

Слайд 7

The job of dreams, слайд 7

Слайд 8

The job of dreams, слайд 8
A hairdresser

Слайд 9

The job of dreams, слайд 9
A bricklayer
A carpenter

Слайд 10

The job of dreams, слайд 10
Professional people
A Lawyer-represents people with legal problemsa

Слайд 11

The job of dreams, слайд 11
A manager

Слайд 12

The job of dreams, слайд 12
A teacher

Слайд 13

The job of dreams, слайд 13
The armed forces and the emergency services

Слайд 14

The job of dreams, слайд 14
Freelance is a self –employed person who does work for different organizations
Работа по найму
A photographer
A manager
A manager
A programmer
A make up artist

Слайд 15

The job of dreams, слайд 15
Mini -project: a debate
Objectives : Pp will be able to -practise working cooperatively,creatively and more independently -present their opinion and support it with arguments -to practise debating Научить высказывать свою точку зрения , приводить аргументы « за» и «против» обсуждаемой идеи и убедить оппонентов в правильности своей позиции.

Слайд 16

The job of dreams, слайд 16
Вы никогда не сможете подняться по карьерной лестнице, если не закончите престижный университет. .
Here is the motion for the debate: «You can never make a successful career unless you graduate from a prestigious university?»

Слайд 17

The job of dreams, слайд 17
Work in two groups :those «for» the motion and those «against»
Select a secretary for each group and a chair for the debate
Brainstorm reasons and examples for your arguments in the two groups. Anticipate the arguments of the other side and develop your group,s counter- arguments.
Choose three people to represent your group.

Слайд 18

The job of dreams, слайд 18
1.What personal qualities are more important for a successful career? 2.What professional skills should we develop while studying? -advantages and disadvantages of studying at… -the best way is doing or practising 3.What is the recipe for success? 4.What points should be consider while choosing a career?

Слайд 19

The job of dreams, слайд 19
Group A presents their arguments for the motion. Group A supports their arguments and criticises group B arguments. Group A sums up their arguments.
Group B presents their argument against the motion. Group B supports their arguments and criticises group A arguments. Group B sums up their arguments.
Conduct the debate following this seguence:
Which group was stronger? Take a class vote.

Слайд 20

The job of dreams, слайд 20
Dialogue vocabulary
For the chairperson: For the speakers:
Dear guests/Ladies and gentlemen,could I have your attention,please? Let me open/close the discussion.Today were going to… Now ,I “ll give the floor to… May I ask you to keep to the time of… Unfortunately,your time is up. Does the audience have any questions? I invite the audience to vote. On behalf of our group, I’m going to… I” m sure you” ll agree that … The fact /truth is… Wee need to think about… Yes ,but do you relly think that …? Yes ,but look at this from another perspective… I agree, but on the other hand…

Слайд 21

The job of dreams, слайд 21
Up to a “career ladder”
-personal gualities -developing professinal skills -getting a degree taking part in different competitions -good body language

Слайд 22

The job of dreams, слайд 22
A strategy
A- attention I- interests D- desire A- activities

Слайд 23

The job of dreams, слайд 23
Every person is the maker of his own fortune
Человек –сам творец своей судьбы!

Слайд 24

The job of dreams, слайд 24
Personal details: Date of birth: Tel: Education: Work experience: Office junior: Positions of responsibi lity: Skills: Interests: ful-time job part- time job available
Curriculum Vitae (Resume)
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