Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации
Слайд 1
Unit 3
3a Wild Places
Слайд 2
-boiling hot
-freezing cold
Слайд 3
What weather conditions are common in our country…
In winter?
In spring?
In summer?
In autumn?
In winter it’s usually…
There’s sometimes…
Слайд 4
Science => scientist => scientific наука/ученый/научный
Research station исследовательская станция
Mild weather мягкая погода (not very cold)
The sun rises in the east. => sunrise
The sun sets in the west. => sunset
Scenery пейзаж
Seal морской котик
Humpback whale горбатый кит
To warn => warning предупреждать/предупреждение
The temperature drops in winter.
To rise vs. to raise подниматься/поднимать
Marine biologist морской биолог
To adapt => adaptation адаптироваться, приспосабливаться/адаптация
Survey исследование, опрос
I can’t wait to start!
A newcomer новичок
A survival course курс выживания
A ski-doo снегоход
A sledge сани
A crack трещина
To cover => covered покрывать/покрытый
Слайд 5
Summers in Antarctica are warm.
You can see the sun at night in the summer months in Antarctica
There is no wildlife there.
There is no sun during the winter.
Matt is on a business trip to Antarctica.
It’s Matt’s first time in Antarctica.
The survival course lasts a week.
Matt is going to stay there for a month.
1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 7T 8F
Слайд 6
Ex. 3, 4, 5 p. 44-45