Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации
Слайд 1
MODULE 3 “Famous people”
7th form
Lesson 3c
Valeeva R.G.
Слайд 2
Phonetic exercises Read a tongue twister. W
Who? What? When? Where? Why? Why?
Who? What? When? Where? Why? Why?
Who did it?
What did you do?
When did you do it?
Слайд 3
Who are they? What can you say about them?
Слайд 4
Let’s fill in the table
Know.Can.Want to learn
Past Simple Verbs
Make verbs in Past Simple
Adjectives to describe people
Stephen William Hawking
Why do people admire Stephen William Hawking?
Слайд 5
Know Past Simple Tense
What does Past Simple tense mean? (Speak Russian)
2) What single of Past Simple tense do you know?
Слайд 6
Make verbs Past Simple:
Слайд 7
Test each other in pair
Make verbs Past Simple:
Be - was/were
Study - studied
Start - started
Diagnose - diagnosed
Loose - lost
Get - got
Have -had
Слайд 8
Put marks:
“5” without mistakes
“4” 1-2 mistakes
“3” 3-4 mistakes
“2” > 4 mistakes
Слайд 9
Want to learn
Why do people admire Stephen William Hawking?
Слайд 10
Physical exercises
Слайд 11
Listen the song and answer: What do you think it is about?
Against all odds, you still can win Don’t give up and don’t give in
Put your talents to the test
Make your mark and be the best
Слайд 12
Want to learn
New words and expressions
Laws of the universe – законы Вселенной
Diagnose [daiәgnɒυz] – ставить диагноз
Career [kәriә] – карьера
Blink [blink] – моргать
Give up [giv Ʌp] – отказываться
Achieve [әtʃi:v] – достигать, добиваться
Слайд 13
Our theme: “Against all odds”
The main question of our lesson:
Why do people admire Stephen William Hawking
Слайд 14
Stephen William Hawking Is he famous politician? actor? writer? scientist?
Слайд 15
Your choice
Ex. 3 p. 30
Ex. 5 p.30
Слайд 16
Answer the question of our lesson
Why do people admire Stephen William Hawking?
Слайд 17
What can you say about your work on the lesson?
Слайд 18
Lesson is over.