Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации
Слайд 1
Котков А.В.- учитель информатики;
Ильченко О.В. и
Кононенко Т.В. - учителя английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ № 18»
Республика Коми.
Слайд 2
Слайд 5
Where is our Motherland located?
1. In Asia
2. In Europa and Asia
3. In Europe
Слайд 6
What was the capital of our country during the 2nd World War?
1. Moscow
2. Kiev
3. Leningrad
Слайд 7
Who by and when was Moscow founded?
1. By Ekaterina, the Great, in 1762
2. By Joseph Stalin, in 1941
3. By Yuri Dolgorucki, in 1147
Слайд 8
Moscow is situated on the river…
1. Moskva
2. Moscow
3. Moscou
Слайд 9
The capital of Germany was
1. Bonn
2. Bern
3. Berlin
Слайд 10
Germany boders on the
1. 9 countries
2. 5 countries
3. 8 countries
Слайд 11
The famous field marshal arrested at the Stalingrad battle
1. F. Manstein
2. E. Rommel
3. F. Paulus
Слайд 12
On the side of Germany there were:
1. Finland, Japan, Italy
2. France, Poland,
the USA
3. Hungary, China,
the UK
Слайд 13
The World War II began in…..
1. 1941
2. 1939
3. 1940
Слайд 14
The plan for atacking the USSR was called….
1. Stalingrad
2. Barbarossa
3. Blitzkrieg
Слайд 15
The battle for Moscow was held in…
1. October,1941
2. September,1941
3. August ,1941
Слайд 16
Kurskaya battle was in…
1. 21.06.1941
2. 07.12.1942
3. 12.07.1943
Слайд 17
What is the name of this marshal is…
1. I.S. Konev
2. G.K. Zhukov
3. S. K. Timoshenko
Слайд 18
The president of the USA during the war – time was…
1. F.D. Roosevelt
2. G.K. Hoover
3. H.S. Truman
Слайд 19
The prime-minister of the UK was…
1. A. Eden
2. A. Chamberlain
3. W. Churchill
Слайд 20
The name of the pioneer-hero of the Soviet Union on the photo is…
1. V. Kotik
2. M. Kasei
3. L. Golikov
Слайд 21
The most bloody battle was…
1. Stalingrad
2. Moscow
3. Kursk
Слайд 22
The most famous song of the war….
1. “The Dark night”
2. “The Saint war”
3. „Wait for me“
Слайд 23
The first train of the Great Victory came to Russia on the…
1. 01.09.1945
2. 09.05.1945
3. 10.05.1945
Слайд 24
Whеn was the banner of the victory set?
1. 09.05.1945
2. 06.05.1945
3. 01.05.1945
Слайд 25
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