Презентация - What do you know about the capital of your country?

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What do you know about the capital of your country?
  • Уникальность: 95%
  • Слайдов: 13
  • Просмотров: 2087
  • Скачиваний: 730
  • Размер: 3.42 MB
  • Класс: 7
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 1

What Do You Know About the Capital of Your Country?
Урок-презентация в 7 классе

Слайд 2

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 2

Слайд 3

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 3
Big Ben
It is the bell that strikes the hours inside the great clock of the Houses of Parliament in London. It was called so after Sir Benjamin Hall.

Слайд 4

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 4
Westminster Abbey
It is a church in Westminster, near the Houses of Parliament. Most British kings and queens were crowned there, and many famous people are buried there.

Слайд 5

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 5
The British Museum
It is the national museum of Britain. It was founded in 1753. It contains one of the world’s best collections of art and treasures.

Слайд 6

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 6
The Tower of London
It was founded in the 11th century. For many centuries it has been a fortress, a palace and a prison. It is now a museum of arms and armoury.

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Слайд 8

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 8
The Kremlin
It is the oldest part of Moscow. The word “Kremlin” means fortress and Moscow Kremlin used to be fortress. Twenty towers of the Kremlin wall were constructed in the end of the 17th century. The Spasskaya Tower is the symbol of Russia and Moscow.

Слайд 9

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 9
The Vassily Blazhenny Cathedral
It is in Red Square. It is a masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. It was built in memory of the victory over Kazan in 1552.

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Слайд 11

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 11
The Tretyakov Gallery
It has the best collection of Russian art. The gallery was given the name of the person who founded it. It was founded in 1865 when Pavel Tretyakov started his famous collection.

Слайд 12

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 12
The Bolshoi Theatre
It is one of the biggest centres of the world musical culture. It is Moscow’s number one theatre of opera and ballet. The theatre was founded in 1776. The building itself was designed by the architect O. Bovet.

Слайд 13

What do you know about the capital of your country?, слайд 13

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