Презентация - Do you know these characters? Look at them and name

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Do you know these characters? Look at them and name
  • Уникальность: 98%
  • Слайдов: 22
  • Просмотров: 496
  • Скачиваний: 51
  • Размер: 3.35 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 1

Слайд 2

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 2
Do you know these characters? Look at them and name.

Слайд 3

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 3
His birthday is on November 18th 1928.
Mickey Mouse

Слайд 4

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 4
The main character is an elephant who is nicknamed

Слайд 5

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 5
The main characters is a white-tailed deer.

Слайд 6

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 6
It was the first full-length animated film produced in America.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Слайд 7

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 7

Слайд 8

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 8

Слайд 9

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 9

Walt Elias Disney

Слайд 10

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 10
know –[nəυ] – знать cartoon ['kα:'tu:n] character – [’kærəktə] - герой мультфильма biography [bai'ogrəfi] neighbour – ['neıbə] – сосед sketch – эскиз, набросок appear –[ə'piə] – появляться dwarfs – [dwͻ:fs] - карлики, гномы generation – [ʤenə'reıſən] – поколение garage ['gærα:ʒ] гараж

Слайд 11

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 11
die [dai] умирать death [deθ] смерть alive [ə'laiv] живой in his lifetime – при жизни live on – продолжать жить receive [ri'si:v] получать sound film – звуковой фильм

Слайд 12

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 12

Walt Disney was born on the 5th of December 1901 in Chicago, Illinois.

Слайд 13

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 13

In August 1923 Disney left for Hollywood

Слайд 14

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 14

Mickey appeared in the first sound cartoon Steamboat Willy in 1928.

Слайд 15

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 15

Walt won his first Academy Award in 1932.

Слайд 16

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 16
Walt Disney made 81 films.

Слайд 17

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 17

Walt Disney died in 1966.

Слайд 18

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 18
Name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Early years: Later years: Famous for: Date of death:

Слайд 19

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 19
Name: Walt Elias Disney Date of birth:1901 Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois, the US Early years: liked drawing, sold first sketches at the age of 7 Later years: started the famous Disney Brothers studio Famous for: creating Mickey Mouse and many other cartoon characters Date of death:1966

Слайд 20

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 20
Hometask: P 70 ex 5 / 6

Слайд 21

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 21
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Слайд 22

Do you know these characters? Look at them and name, слайд 22
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