Слайд 1
Рассказ об интересном путешествии
Holiday – отпуск Travel - путешествовать
Mountain – гора India - Индия
Mosque – мечеть Tomb - гробница
Remember – помнить Delhi - Дели
Agra – Агра Taj Mahal – Тадж-махал
Situate – находиться Building - здание
Think – думать Garden - сад
Bench – скамейка Visit - посещать
Of course – конечно Camera - фотоаппарат
Interesting – интересный Decide - решать
Know - знать
Слайд 2
Mass Media
Television viewing is the most popular entertainment in the Russia. About 89 per cent of home have a TV set. On average people spend about five hours each day watching TV. There are 8 most popular TV channels. They are : Perviy, TV Channel RUSSIA, NTV, STS, TNT, REN TV, TV Center, Kultura Channel.
There are 18 most popular radio stations (Russkoye Radio, Radio Rossiyi, Europa Plus, Mayak and AvtoRadio) in the Russia. The audience of Russkoye Radio – more than 8 million each day.
As for the Russia press, there are 400 names newspapers and the all-Russia newspapers. 33% - regional newspapers and 32% - local newspapers.
About 30 per cent users have the Internet. About 36,7 per cent of users go online every day. 100 pur cent of schools are connected to the Internet.