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  • Слайдов: 6
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Слайд 1

Charity, слайд 1
Colovyova Anastasya 8A Secondary school №8

Слайд 2

Charity, слайд 2
Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation Charity
The charitable foundation, which was founded by Bill Gates in 1994, is today the largest in the United States. Over time, the composition of its founders expanded, and the amount of assets reached $ 35 billion.At the time of its creation, it was assumed that the charitable foundation would provide assistance to socially unprotected segments of society. A little later, the list of areas of his work expanded. Today, the organization takes an active part in the search and development of new methods of combating diseases, supports the work of medical institutions, provides financial stability in the healthcare sector. The amount of expenses for the purposes stipulated by the Charter amounts to $2 billion annually.

Слайд 3

Charity, слайд 3
United Way Worldwide Charitable Foundation
The United Way Worldwide Charitable Foundation is officially registered in the USA, but has branches in 46 countries around the world, including Europe. The organization's budget exceeded $5 billion. The charity fund has 3 thousand volunteers. Every year, 10 million people donate money for its needs. The organization was established in 1887, but over the years it has managed to gain a leading position in the market. In 2020, it officially acquired the status of a global non-governmental organization. At the moment, the fundamental areas of her work are the educational process, the health care system, and social assistance.

Слайд 4

Charity, слайд 4
Ford Foundation Charitable Foundation
The Foundation, which occupies the third position in our list, was founded in 1936 under the leadership of Edsel Ford. The organization's budget reaches $ 10 billion, and its work has nothing to do with the business activities of the Ford family. Today, the charitable foundation is engaged in solving the following tasks: providing cash donations for the treatment of serious patients (we are talking about AIDS and oncological diseases). The organization also undertakes the implementation of part of the educational programs, provides assistance in matters of reform, etc.

Слайд 5

Charity, слайд 5
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Charitable Foundation
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Charitable Foundation was established in the USA thanks to Robert Wood Johnson II, who was the direct heir of Johnson & Johnson Corporation. The total assets of the organization is $ 10 billion. This organization is actively involved in the fight against chronic diseases in children and adults, and also provides support in the rehabilitation of patients with dependence on medications. Thus, the "high-profile" project of the charitable foundation was the program to combat smoking in the United States, for which more than $ 440 million was spent over the period 1991-2003. And in 2007, a new interesting project was launched to combat obesity in children and adolescents.

Слайд 6

Charity, слайд 6

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