Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации
Слайд 1
My School
5 class
2022-23 yrs.
Слайд 2
Проект подготовили:
Ученики 5 класса
Руководитель проекта:
Попова В.Н.
Сроки реализации проекта:
Сентябрь 2022 - май 2023
Слайд 3
Подготовить альбом о школе для «своего англоговорящего друга»с описанием на английском языке.
Слайд 4
В школе «Ступени» многие из нас учатся не первый год, но умеем ли мы представлять нашу школу, рассказывать о ней, замечаем ли мы, как она уютна и комфортна?
По программе английского языка на уроках мы изучаем предметы, школьные принадлежности, расписание. Но, между тем, одна из вероятных тем для обсуждения со школьниками разных стран может стать именно обсуждение школы, ее внутреннего наполнения.
Поэтому мы решили попробовать составить альбом для своего англоговорящего друга о своей школе.
Слайд 5
1)Внимательно рассмотреть школу: учебные кабинеты, зоны отдыха, актовый зал, столовую и т.д.
2)Сделать фотографии учебных и неучебных аудиторий, рекреаций.
3)Подготовить презентацию о школе.
4)Подготовить тексты к фотографиям на английском языке.
5)Подготовить буклет о школе.
Слайд 6
We study at school called “Stupeni”. The school building has three floors and it is yellow painted. The building is not very big however it is cozy and comfortable. We have everything for successful study here.
Слайд 7
The hall on the ground floor is light and wide.
The walls are painted white- blue there. To the right you can see four windows. In front of them there are flowers . Opposite the windows everyone can have a rest on a comfortable sofa. If you feel bored, so you can play a board game football or watch student’s drawings, which are on display there.
Слайд 8
Junior pupils
The ground floor is for junior students. There are four light and specious classrooms for them.
Слайд 9
At the school museum
Слайд 10
At the school museum
There is a school museum on the ground floor. This is a history class as well. There are many things there for example: old pots, old books, an old phone and iron. And a lot of other attractive things.
Слайд 11
In our class
Our classroom is on the first floor. It is very cozy. We have some lessons in it and we spend our free time here, if we have some. We have our meetings, prepare our housework here.
Слайд 12
In the assembly hall
Слайд 13
The assembly hall is on the second floor. We have a big stage and expensive equipment and plenty of seats for spectators there. We have different parties in the assembly hall.
Слайд 14
In classrooms
Our classes are light, spacious and neat.
We have classes for different subjects: Russian, English, Geography and others.
Слайд 15
In the hall on the first floor
Слайд 16
In the hall on the first floor
The hall is big. There are some sofas there. We can sit and read on them. There is a ping - pong table in the hall. On the walls you can see children’s pictures and certificates. The are two big windows in the hall. In front of them there are potplants.
Слайд 17
On the sport ground
Our sport ground is very beautiful, there are two basketball rings and two football gates on our sport ground. Besides, there are some benches there.
It is located behind the school, and we can play football and basketball there. And it is possible in winter to play snowballs.
Слайд 19
At the library
Our library is on the first floor. We can take books there.
The walls are white. On the walls hang portraits of famous writes. There are many bookcases and there are some desks where everyone can read something interesting.
Слайд 20
At the canteen
Our canteen is small. There are twelve tables in the canteen. There are 48 chairs next to the tables. There is a kitchen to the right of the door. Our meals are very yummy. For breakfast we eat pancakes with jam. For lunch we usually have soup as the first dish. The second dish are meat – balls and mashed potatoes or pasta. For dessert we have snacks. At birthdays we can eat a cake.
Слайд 21
Thank you for attention!