Презентация - USA Government

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USA Government
  • Уникальность: 98%
  • Слайдов: 8
  • Просмотров: 5915
  • Скачиваний: 3136
  • Размер: 1.33 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации

Слайд 1

USA Government, слайд 1
USA Government
Who rules the country?

Слайд 2

USA Government, слайд 2
War of Independence 1775-1783
The Constitution (Philadelphia 1787)

Слайд 3

USA Government, слайд 3
The US Congress the US Capitol (Washington D.C.)

Слайд 4

USA Government, слайд 4
The Congress
The Senate
2 members from each state 100 senators term 6 years
The House of Representativess
Nuber of congressmen depends on number of people in the state 435 members Term 2 years

Слайд 5

USA Government, слайд 5
The President
Must be 35 years old Must be born in US Live in US for at least 14 years

Слайд 6

USA Government, слайд 6
The Supreme Court
9 judges Make sure that the President and the Congress follow the Constitution

Слайд 7

USA Government, слайд 7
The Constitution
The Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments)
Freedom of press Freedom of religion Right to go to court etc.

Слайд 8

USA Government, слайд 8
The Constitution Main amendments
13 – ended slavery 14 – made black people citizens 15 – gave blacks the right to vote 19 – gave women right to vote 26 – gave people 18 years old and older the right to vote
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