Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации
Слайд 1
Употребите mustn’t или needn’t.
1. You ___________ give Freddy any more sweets or he won’t eat any tea.
2. The doctor said I _______________ go back to the hospital; my leg is all right.
3. You ___________ make any sandwiches for me. I’m not hungry.
4. She ___________ fill in a new application form, we have the other one.
5. You ___________ mention this to Kate, or she’ll get upset.
6. She ____________ bring a doctor’s certificate, she was only away for one day.
7. You ____________ take any more aspirins, you’ve had four already.
8. Tell her she ______________ open any letters marked “personal”.
Слайд 2
Употребите нужный модальный глагол из предложенных только один раз в наиболее подходящей ситуации.
Must / mustn’t / needn’t / ought to / had better
There’s a fantastic film on at the Odeon. Advise your friend to see it before it’s too late.
Tell your friend not to drive her car till it’s insured.
You are going to play tennis with a friend at the tennis club. Tell him it isn’t necessary for him to bring any tennis balls as the club supplies them
Your friend has just received his bank statement. He’s sure it’s incorrect. Advise him to telephone the bank.
Tell your Venezuelan friend that she needs a visa to get into France.
Слайд 3
Заполните пропуски формами have to, don’t have to или should учитывая, что все предложения связаны с темой “Посещение Америки”.
When you go to America
you ________ get a visa.
you ________ apply for a visa at least one month before you go.
you ________ book a hotel room before you go, because there are usually a lot of vacancies.
you ________ get a work permit if you want to work there.
you _______ visit San Francisco, because many people think it is the most beautiful city in America.
you _______ change your money before you go, because there are a lot of 24-hour banks.
you _______ hire a car, because it’s the easiest way to travel, and petrol is cheap.
you _______ have special injections before you go.
Слайд 4

Заполните пропуски положительной или отрицательной формами must, have to, had to, have had to, should
I really do think you ___________ get your hair cut.
Careful, darling. You ___________ play with matches. They’re too dangerous.
My wife suddenly became ill in the middle of the night and I ____ call the doctor.
I’m overweight. The doctor said I _________ eat too many sweets or potatoes.
I like Saturday because I ___________ get up early.
A. Why have you got so much money on you? You _______ keep it in the bank.
I know. But today’s the day I _________ pay my employees.
It’s my mother’s birthday next week. I _______ remember to buy her a present
and a card.
No one likes __________ work at weekends.
You _______________ come with me if you don’t want to. I don’t mind going on my own. You stay here if you like.
I have a really bad memory for phone numbers. I ___________ look them up in the book every time.
When I was at school we __________ wear a uniform. Everybody hated it.
You ______________ touch electrical appliances if you’ve got wet hands. You could kill yourself.
She has a private income. She ______ never ______ do one day’s work in the whole of her life.
Слайд 5
Словосочетание had better + инфинитив без to выражает совет, пожелание. Дайте подходящий совет, употребляя had better (not) .
Пример: It’s too late. You had better go home now.
John has a bad toothache. He __________ .
The undergraduates are having a test today. They ___________ .
It’s raining cats and dogs ( идет проливной дождь ). You ___________ .
Bob wants to study German but he doesn’t know what to begin with. Bob, _________ .
e. Olga’s English pronunciation isn’t too good, she has a thick accent. What to do about it? ______ .
Слайд 6

Заполните пропуски положительной или отрицательной формами can, could, to be able to. Имейте в виду, что когда речь идет об успешной одиночной попытке сделать что-либо в прошлом, глагол could не используется. Вместо него используются формы was able to и managed to . Can и could наравне с may употребляются для выражения разрешения, позволения что-либо сделать. Причем may относят к более формальному стилю.
In my country you ____________ get married when you are 16.
Women ___________ vote in England until 1922.
Last night I __________ get into my house because I had forgotten my key.
I phoned the Gas Board because I thought I ___________ smell gas, which is very dangerous.
“Hello. Is that the dentist? ___________ I make an appointment to see you, please?
I’m learning car mechanics because I want ___________ to service my own car. It costs a fortune if you send it to the garage.
Many night animals ______________ see very well, but they have a highly developed sense of smell.
If you __________ do this exercise, you’re very clever!
Слайд 7

Ниже даны два диалога с перепутанными репликами, в которых один человек просит разрешения, а другой дает его. В одном диалоге Mr Roberts и Mr Thomas разговаривают в офисе, а в другом диалоге разговор идет между отцом и сыном. Поставьте реплики в правильном порядке, сформировав два диалога. Обратите внимание на различия при выражении позволения что-либо сделать.
But I’m taking Dave to see his girlfriend in hospital.
Yes, what is it?
I told you. I need it.
It’s not a very convenient time at the moment.
Well, as you know, my father can’t walk very well, and he needs to go into hospital. I was wondering if I could have a day off work?
Thank a lot, Dad. I won’t be home late.
Oh, please. He won’t be able to go if I don’t give him a lift.
That’s very kind. I’ll make up the time, I promise.
No, you can’t. I need it.
Mr Roberts? Could I have a word with you?
I’d be terribly grateful. He wouldn’t be able to go if I weren’t there to help him.
All right. I suppose I can walk. The exercise will do me good.
Well, if that’s the case I suppose you should.
Dad, can I have the car tonight?
Слайд 8
Закончите следующие предложения, используя might и глаголы в скобках для выражения небольшой вероятности настоящих и будущих событий.
Пример: Take your umbrella because …. (rain)
Take your umbrella because it might rain.
She’s not sure what to do when she leaves university……(have a holiday / look for a job).
They don’t know where to have a holiday…..(Spain / stay at home).
Write my telephone number in your book…….(forget it).
I’ll try to arrive at 8.00, but ….(be late) if the traffic is bad.
I’m going to Paris for a meeting next week…. (stay the night / come back the same day). It depends how long the meeting goes on.
Слайд 9
Отреагируйте на предложения из колонки 1, используя must или can’t, добавляя соответствующие причины, выбранные из колонки 2.
Пример: A Is Jane married?
B She can’t be married. She’s only fifteen.
1 2
1. Is Jane married? a. I saw her looking at wedding ring
2. I saw Alice in town yesterday. b. I’ve just seen her playing tennis.
3. I was served in a restaurant by Tessa. c. She’s only fifteen.
4. Is Sheila thinking of moving? d. There’s a strong smell coming from
next door.
5. Did Anita get engaged to Alan? e. She went abroad last week.
6. Has Pat hurt his leg? f. She told me she did not like him.
7. Is Jenny going out with Tom? g. She’s a school-teacher.
8. Is Mary having her flat decorated? h. There’s a For Sale notice up outside her house.
Слайд 10
Подчеркните слово или фразу, которая правильно завершает предложение.
I’m not certain, but it might / must have been half past four.
You must / can’t have been sunbathing all week - you haven’t got a tan.
Why don’t you sit down? You may / must be exhausted after such a long journey.
She can’t / must have gone on holiday. She’s got too much work to do.
It can’t / must have been Tom who left the lights on. He’s always doing that.
Laura may / can’t have tried to phone earlier, but I don’t know for sure.
He must / might have picked up this gun because his fingerprints are all over it.
She can’t / could have eaten that whole cake herself - it was huge!
Слайд 11

A problem with “H”
Many uneducated English people make mistakes with the letter “h”. They often leave it out at the beginning of words, saying: ”at” for “hat”, “oney” for “honey” and so on.
Sometimes, too, they pronounce an “h” where none exists, in such words as: easy, insect, owner, which become heasy, hinsect, howner.
Misunderstandings may arise from such mistakes in speech, as the following story shows:
Miss Miller, a typist, was going home to her lodgings from the office where she worked. She was in a merry mood because the manager had promised her an increase of salary and all the other clerks had congratulated her.
Success arouses the appetite and Miss Miller entered a fried fish shop and bought a large portion of fish and chips for her supper. By the time she got home, however, the food had got cold, so she handed it to her landlady, saying:
“Will you heat this up for supper, please, Mrs. Peck?”
“Oh, certainly Miss”, said Mrs. Peck with a smile. Miss Miller smiled too and spent the next hour reading a novel and thinking of the pleasure which awaited her.
At last Mrs. Peck came into the room, carrying a knife and fork, a plate, a glass, a cheese-dish, some bread and some radishes on a tray. This was Miss Miller’s usual supper, but not what she had been expecting that whole evening. As Mrs. Peck set the tray on the table Miss Miller reminded her of the fish and chips.
“You said I was to heat them up”, said Mrs. Peck naively.
“Thank you very much. They were hexcellent!”