Презентация - Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center

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Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center
  • Уникальность: 80%
  • Слайдов: 10
  • Просмотров: 611
  • Скачиваний: 34
  • Размер: 2.03 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 1
Kazan is a sport center.
Students: Mikheev A. and Osmanov G. Teacher: Aituganova J. I.
Kazan 2021

Слайд 2

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 2
To acquaint with modern sports centers of Kazan Show history of major sporting events Tell about the city's sports facilities Identify the most popular sports Meet the Olympic champions from Kazan

Слайд 3

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 3
The introduction
Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, is one of the most sports-developed cities in Russia, as well as one of the leaders in terms of the number of victories in various sports.

Слайд 4

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 4
History of major sporting events

Слайд 5

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 5
History of major sporting events

Слайд 6

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 6
City sports facilities
The Universiade Village stadium "Kazan Arena“ stadium "Central“ Kazan hippodrome Palace of Water Sports Palace of Games Sports "Basket-Hall“ ice sports palace "Tatneft Arena“ "Kazan Tennis Academy“ "Ak Bars" Martial Arts Palace

Слайд 7

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 7
Titled sports clubs of Kazan

Слайд 8

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 8
Most popular sports
Football Hockey Volleyball Basketball Ball Hockey Field hockey Сhess

Слайд 9

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 9
Natives of Kazan - winners of the Olympics
Vasily Mosin - clay pigeon shooting, bronze of the 2012 Olympics Ekaterina Gamova - volleyball, Olympic silver in 2000, 2004 Elena Migunova - athletics (relay), silver medal at the 2008 Olympics Gennady Evryuzhikhin - football, 1972 Olympics bronze

Слайд 10

Kspeu. Kazan is a sport center, слайд 10
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