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Kizhi is the remains of a ancient Russian settlement fr0m the 16th century. It is 0n an island in the northern part of Onezhskoye Lake in Karelia.
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It is a famous tourist attraction because of the beautiful w00den churches and buildings that you can still see there.
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The buildings are impressive in size, design and the fact that they were made without the use of a single nail or metal pin.
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Each piece of woods fits perfectly into the next to form these beautiful architectural masterpieces.
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The most impressive building is the Transfiguration Church which has 22 domes. It dates from 1714.
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The Intercession Church has nine domes.It was built in 1764.
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Bell tower
This beautiful wooden bell tower dates from1874.
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The museum of wooden architecture was opened in Karelia in 1960. Other ancient wooden buildings from other parts of Russia were moved to Kizhi so they could all be in one place together.
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There are also a collection of wooden peasants’ houses, mills, forges and stables at Kizhi. They each have a display of the tools and household objects that people would have used in the past.
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The visitors can get a real taste of life in the past.
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