Презентация - Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей

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Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей
  • Уникальность: 86%
  • Слайдов: 25
  • Просмотров: 5113
  • Скачиваний: 3084
  • Размер: 4.24 MB
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  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей, слайд 1
The Conference of Research «First Steps in Science» (2016)
Author: Alexander Kondratiev, Form 10-A School # 8 Supervisor: Uvarova M. A., the teacher of English
The influence of the show TOP GEAR on cultural life of people

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Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей, слайд 2
Автор: Кондратьев Александр Сергеевич Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №8, 10А класс Руководитель: Уварова Марина Александровна учитель английского языка
Тема: Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей   Направление: лингвистическое  
Красноуральск 2016г.

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Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей, слайд 3
The problem is: 1. What made the show Top Gear so well-known and popular? 2. Will it return to life?

Hypothesis: True cultural values don’t disappear, each generation sees the heritage according to the spirits of times they live in.

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Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей, слайд 4
The aim: Telling the contemporaries about the show Top Gear defining the influence of cars on cultural life of different generations; Tasks: To study the history of the show; To find out among people of different ages what they know about the show; To develop and make a survey about the influence of cars on life of different generations of our town.

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Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей, слайд 5
1. Automobiles in our life
The Car As a Daily Necessity The Car for Commutes The Car for Day Trips and Travellings The Car As a Luxury The Car As a Status Item The Green Car Driver

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2.1.The history of the show

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2.2. Brief biographies of the leaders of the show (FORMER)

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2.3.Top GEAR in Russia and ... in St Petersburg

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...in the Crimea...

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... and abroad

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2.4.Top GEAR today

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The former leaders of Top Gear

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2.5. Future of the show

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3. The opinion survey / Research
The aim : Defining what my contemporaries know about the show; the influence of cars on cultural life of different generations Tasks: To compare the influence of Top GEAR on different generations.

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The results of the opinion survey

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Have you heard about the show? Do you see the show?

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6. Do you think if the show will be popular in future?
4. Do you consider the show popular?

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8. Do you have a car? 9. What does a car mean for you and your family?

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Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей, слайд 20
8. Do you have a car? 9. What does a car mean for you and your family?

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Name the brand of your car(s).

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The aim and tasks of my research have been carried out. The hypothesis is proved: True cultural values do not disappear. Each generation sees the heritage according to the spirits of times they live in.

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List of literature / Internet resources
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Gear http://www.topgear.com/show http://topgearrussia.ru/ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/bbcs-top-gear-italy-sky-811185 Raceport История Top Gear https://www.drive2.ru/b/1638504/ Top GEARwikia http://topgear.wikia.com/wiki/Top_Gear Top Gear (U.S. TV series) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Gear_(U.S._TV_series) Кларксон ушел. Top Gear закрытhttps://motor.kz/post/klarkson-ushel-top-gear-zakryt-26987/ Топ 10 наиболее популярныхТв-шоу в мире http://brjunetka.ru/top-10-naibolee-populyarnyih-tv-shou-v-mire/

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Thank you for attention.

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Влияние телешоу TOP GEAR на культурную жизнь людей, слайд 25
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