Презентация - System of education in Russia and in England

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System of education in Russia and in England
  • Уникальность: 85%
  • Слайдов: 9
  • Просмотров: 5587
  • Скачиваний: 3301
  • Размер: 0.84 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 1
System of education in Russia and in England
Completed by the 1st year student of group 1-1-20: Krasutsky Egor Igorevich

Слайд 2

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 2
Education of Russia
Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects.

Слайд 3

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 3
Education of Russia
After finishing the 9th form of a secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and 11th form. They can also go to a vocation or technical school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession.

Слайд 4

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 4
Education in our country is free at most schools.

Слайд 5

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 5
Junior Schools
Secondary schools
Infant schools
Modern schools
Grammar schools
Comprehensive schools
Independent schools
Preparatory schools
Public schools

Слайд 6

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 6
infant school-начальная школа для детей от 5 до семи лет junior school-начальная школа для детей от 7 до 11 лет secondary school-средняя школа private school-частные школы state schools-государственные школы comprehensive school-общеобразовательная школа ability-способность

Слайд 7

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 7
System of education in England
British boys and girls begin to go to school at the age of 5. Children begin to read and write when they enter the infant schools. They leave infant schools when they are 7 years old. They begin to study at junior schools where they learn to write, to read and to do mathematics.

Слайд 8

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 8
When the pupils enter the junior schools, they have a special test. According to the results of the tests and their intellectual abilities they are divided into three groups. Boys and girls study at junior schools for four years. Then they take their examinations and enter the secondary schools.

Слайд 9

System of education in Russia and in England, слайд 9

English boys and girls go to a secondary school from 11 till 16 years old. They don’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. One can attend modern schools, but pupils don’t learn foreign languages at such schools. If pupils go to grammar schools they will have a good theoretical secondary education. The other secondary is a comprehensive school .
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