Презентация - Kspeu. Coal

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Kspeu. Coal
  • Уникальность: 88%
  • Слайдов: 11
  • Просмотров: 371
  • Скачиваний: 45
  • Размер: 8.6 MB
  • Онлайн: Да
  • Формат: ppt / pptx
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Слайд 1

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 1

Student: Medvedeva A. Teacher: Aytuganova J.I.
Kazan 2022

Слайд 2

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 2

Aim: To tell about the use of coal and its reserves in the modern world
Tasks: to show the ratio of coal reserves of different countries; to reveal the concept of “coal”; to tell about the methods of coal mining.

Слайд 3

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 3

In 2022, exactly 300 years have passed since the moment when Peter the Great signed a decree on the beginning of coal mining in Russia. The industrial use of coal as an effective fuel and an essential component for metal smelting has truly civilizational significance. This served as the basis for the realization of a great civilizational "leap" – the first industrial revolution, which is the starting point not only for the subsequent development of the world industry, but also for its achievement of a modern level of development.

Слайд 4

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 4

Coal is a useful mineral used as fuel, as well as raw materials for a number of industries.

Слайд 5

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 5
Coal mining
The modern industry has three main ways of extracting this mineral:
Mine method. Through the construction of a number of underground structures.
Hydraulic. With the use of liquid jets, both as reservoir disruptors and as a transporting material.
Career, through the organization of the cut.

Слайд 6

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 6

Coal reserves in Russia
The total geological reserves of coal in the territory of the Russian Federation are estimated at 4 trillion tons. This is one third of the world's reserves. However, a significant part of them are located in permafrost areas and are inaccessible to development.

Слайд 7

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 7

Слайд 8

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 8
Application of coal:
Energy sector

Слайд 9

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 9

Humanity will inevitably have to invest in the development of programs to reduce environmental pollution due to the extraction and production of coal. In this regard, the development of the coal industry will take on a global scale. Undoubtedly, coal prices will also increase, and therefore its production will become profitable.

Слайд 10

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 10

Coal Information 2020. Overview. International Energy Agency Statistics, OECD/IEA, 2021. Coal Information 2020. International Energy Agency Statistics, OECD/IEA, 2021. Statistics report Key World Energy Statistics. International Energy Agency Statistics, OECD/IEA, September 2021. BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2021. 69th edition, 2022.

Слайд 11

Kspeu. Coal, слайд 11

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