Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации
Слайд 1
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Kazan is economic centre
Student: Vovk A.D.
Teacher: Aituganova Z.I.
Kazan 2021
Слайд 2
-show Kazan is the economic center of the republic
1. Highlight the main sectors of Kazan industry.
2. Determine the financial flows of the city.
Слайд 3
There are many factories and enterprises in Kazan that release their products to the market, thereby bringing large incomes to the city.
Слайд 4
For example: For Kazanorgsintez in 2019, the domestic market brought the company 60.5 billion rubles, exports - 11.9 billion rubles.
Слайд 5
But trade also makes a big contribution to the economy, which makes up a significant part of the republic's GDP.
Слайд 6
54.8 thousand small and medium-sized businesses are registered in Kazan. They account for 27.5% of the gross territorial product of Kazan.
Слайд 7
Due to the unique combination of historical architecture and a modern metropolis, Kazan is one of the most successful cities in Russia in terms of attracting tourists both in absolute values and dynamics.
Слайд 8
Also, one of the leading branches of the economy is construction. In 2010, the volume of work in the city performed by the type of activity "construction" amounted to 70.1 billion rubles.
Слайд 9
Kazan also has the largest budget in the republic.
Слайд 10
Resources and Links:
- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Экономика_Казани
- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Казаньоргсинтез