Слайды и текст этой онлайн презентации
Слайд 1
МБОУ «Железногорская СОШ № 4»
Урок английского языка 3 класс «День рождения»
Стадник Надежда Владимировна
2 марта 2022 года
Слайд 2
March, 2nd
Who is on duty today? – I am…
Who is absent today? –… is absent…
What date is it today?
Today is the second of March.
What day of the week is it today?
It’s Wednesday.
Слайд 4
What are we going to speak about?
We'll speak about …
What shall we do at our lesson?
We shall … .
Слайд 12
[ei]: snail, tail, train, day, today
[ͻi]: coins, pointer, toys, Roy, boy
[ð]: they, this, these, those, that
[θ]: three, Thursday, birthday
[w]: wife, we, Wednesday
Слайд 14
Dear friends,
I am from London. I have got a birthday. I am thirteen today. I am happy!
Your friend, Billy.
What's his name?
How old is … ?
Where is he from ?
His name is … .
He is … .
He is from …
Слайд 15
What's his (her) name? His (her) name is … .How old is … ? He (she) is … .
Слайд 16
Let's repeat the words.
day хвост
snail поезд
coins указка
today день рождения
tail день
pointer улитка
birthday монеты
train сегодня
toys друг
family муж
candle подарок
table игрушки
present семья
wife свеча
husband стол
friend жена
Слайд 18
Let's repeat the days of the week.
Слайд 20
Let's check the days of the week.
Слайд 23
Let's check your homework.
Mr Raymond Harrison has a son Billy.
Billy has a grandmother. Her name is Mrs Mary Harrison.
Billy has a sister. Her name is May.
Billy is fourteen today.
You can’t see flowers on the table.
Peter, Roy and Colin are at the window.
A white football is their present for Billy.
Billy likes his presents.
Слайд 24
Home task
РТ с. 80 – 81, № 3, 4.
Слайд 25
Not very good!
Very good!