Презентация - Современные подростки любят тв больше, чем соцсети

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Современные подростки любят тв больше, чем соцсети
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Современные подростки любят тв больше, чем соцсети, слайд 1
согласно данным недавних исследований, проведенных компаниями eMarketer, Zion Market Research и Common Sense Media, современные подростки любят ТВ больше, чем соцсети.
According to recent research from eMarketer, Zion Market Research and Common Sense Media, today's teens love TV more than social media.
Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Свердловской области «Уральский радиотехнический колледж им. А.С. Попова»
«Средства массовой информации в соединенном королевстве»
«Mass media in modern United Kingdom»
г. Екатеринбург 2022

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Mass media in the United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, the media can be divided into "traditional" and "digital“ Traditional mass media can roughly be considered those that appeared before the 2000s, such as newspapers, radio and television news Digital mass media are those that are mainly located on the Internet, for example, social networks (instagram, facebook), video hosting (youtube)

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Television news
In the second half of the 20th century, television became widespread
Television broadcasts in Great Britain began in 1936. Now it has more than 480 channels. Talking about television, one cannot help but remember the BBC, it is one of the oldest and largest broadcasters in the world, which is also public. The BBC became the first television channel, which started in 1934

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The programs emphasize the impartiality, apolitical nature of the materials transmitted, they are conducted in a calm, measured style. Мost popular radio stations belong to BBC, and named the same as company
In Great Britain, in 1894, Oliver Lodge, the inventor of the coherer (Branly tube with a shaker), was the first who demonstrate wireless transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves at a distance of 40 meters

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The first newspaper was published in England and called "The Chimes, or weekly news from Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, France and the Netherlands", it came out in 1621 Newspapers Times, Guardian, Independent, Daily Telegraph, Observer, Financial Times have the status of world famous and most authoritative in their fields, periodicals

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Social media
social networks, along with the ubiquity of smartphones, have become an integral part of people's lives, for most of them they are the main source of information The most popular social services in the UK turned out to be Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, twitter News channels, following modern trends, create their own accounts on social networks

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Social media (Youtube)
But news bloggers have also occupied their niche on YouTube, who easily and quickly convey news to their audience, and people often choose to watch the short and an informative video from their favorite blogger on YouTube than a full news release
YouTube was created in February 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hirdley, and Javed Karim, three former PayPal employees in San Bruno, California. They used Flash Video technology, which allows for relatively good recording quality with a small amount of data transfer
YouTube is the second most visited on the Internet Many people post videos on YouTube for the entertainment of their audience, for example video about computer games, or animation

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Statistics and research
Based on the latest research from eMarketer the average time spent consuming traditional media is consistently decreasing while people spend more time using digital media But according to recent research from Zion Market Research and Common Sense Media, today's teens love TV more than social media
eMarketer research

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Summing up, we can say that in Britain mass Media have a huge influence, they are often known even outside its borders. And although now digital media are gaining more and more popularity, but traditional media still has a large audience, because UK media are some of the most famous media in the world.

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Thank you for the attention!

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Использованные источники:
Иллюстрации: “Stories”: 1. https://storyset.com/illustration/people-watching-the-news/bro#2AACDDFF&hide=&hide=simple 2. https://storyset.com/illustration/mobile-marketing/pana 3. https://storyset.com/illustration/morning-essential/rafiki#2AACDDFF&hide=&hide=complete 4. https://storyset.com/illustration/world-radio-day/pana#default&hide=Text&hide=false 5. https://storyset.com/illustration/london/pana 6. https://storyset.com/illustration/london/rafiki#utm_source=freepik&utm_medium=referall&utm_campaign=storiesdetail&utm_content=edit-button&utm_term=edit 7. https://storyset.com/illustration/webinar/pana#utm_source=freepik&utm_medium=referall&utm_campaign=storiesdetail&utm_content=edit-button&utm_term=edit 8. https://storyset.com/illustration/london/pana

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Использованные источники:
Источники информации: 1. http://nbchr.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6768&catid=326&Itemid=1154 2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%B2_%D0%92%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8 3. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BE 4. https://www.newsru.com/hitech/21mar2011/ukfcbkmjretnx.html 5. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube 6. http://znayuvse.ru/velikobritaniya/istoriya-gazet-v-anglii Источники статистики: 1. https://telekritika.ua/v-velikobritanii-digital-media-bolee-populjarny-chem-tradicionnye-smi-issledovanie/ 2. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1230381/time-spent-media-by-type-united-kingdom/#:~:text=For%202021%2C%20it%20is%20estimated,five%20hours%20and%2035%20minutes
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